Monitoring Biotherapeutic Protein Aggregation - American DDF Summit
RedShiftBio recently exhibited at the 9th annual American Drug Delivery & Formulation Summit, in Boston MA. The Summit focused on challenges of developing biopharmaceutical formulations, and the latest trends and technologies to improve drug delivery. The key message was encouraging a drug delivery mind-set from discovery through to production. Researchers learned about formulation design, optimizing formulation for continuous manufacturing and new developments in biosimilars.
We had a lot of great conversations with researchers, particularly about how our AQS3pro helps automate and streamline formulation design and development. Automating the measurement of protein structure facilitates a better understanding of 5 key elements of formulation design - Structure, Stability, Similarity, Aggregation & Quantitation. A hot topic at the conference was monitoring protein aggregation in biotherapeutics, a concern across the entire development pipeline. Protein aggregation is indicative of instability in a biotherapeutic formulation and can result in unwanted immunogenic response in patients.
Delegates were interested in how MMS (Microfluidic Modulation Spectroscopy - the technology underlying the AQS3pro) is beneficial for monitoring the onset and presence of aggregation in complex formulations.
Did you know that MMS is one of the only techniques which can directly monitor aggregate formation in complex buffer systems, due to its ability to monitor intermolecular beta-sheet structures? Learn more about our technology here!